Categories of Membership                                                                                             

  1. Full Membership
  2. Associate membership
  3. Charter Membership
  4. Fellow membership
  5. Honorary Fellow membership
  6. Corporate membership
  7. Student membership


Requirements for admission into the Institute 

(a) Full Membership: Any person having at least a minimum qualification of Diploma or HND in any branch of agriculture, or engaged in any agricultural related activities shall be eligible for full membership subject to the payment of prescribed fees and dues.

(b) Associate Membership: Persons of any professional education/qualifications at graduate level having been associated with the agricultural profession and made significant contribution to the growth and development of agriculture is eligible to be accepted as associate member on payment of prescribed membership fees and dues. Also, persons having certificate qualification in any branch of agriculture with a minimum of 5-years professional working experience shall be considered for associate membership subject to payment of prescribed fees and dues.

(c) Charter Membership: Persons with CIAGH Full Membership and have passed all the required stages of CIAGH charter examinations in their area of specialisation. This category of members shall pay the prescribed fees and dues to be in good standing.

(d) Fellow Membership: May be conferred on any member of the Institute adjudged to have made significant contributions to the Institute. The number of fellowship conferred in a year shall be considered by the Executive Council. Fellows of the Institute are permitted to put the abbreviation FCIA after their names. This category of members shall pay the prescribed fees and dues to be in good standing.

(e) Honorary Fellow membership: Any person or organization who has attained national or international reputation for his significant contribution in the field of agriculture may be conferred honorary membership of the Institute as a mark of respect and recognition. Honorary membership shall be conferred on an eligible person by a resolution in a general meeting after his/her name has been proposed by ten (10) people with full membership category and subsequently endorsed by at least 2/3 of the members present. This category of members shall pay the prescribed fees and dues to be in good standing.

(f) Corporate Membership: Any organization, public or private whose mandate and activities are related to agricultural service delivery in Ghana shall be eligible for corporate membership, subject to the payment of prescribed fees/dues as per rules and bye-laws of the Institute.

(g) Student Membership: Any person undergoing a course leading to Diploma or Degree (First and Second) related in any branch of agriculture shall be eligible for student membership subject to payment of prescribed fees and dues.


Membership Category

Membership Registration

Annual Subscription

1.      Full

₵ 100

₵ 150

2.      Associate

₵ 100

₵ 160

3.      Chartered

 ₵ 200

 ₵ 250

4.      Honorary Fellow

₵ 200

₵ 280

5.      Fellow

₵ 200

₵ 200

6.      Corporate

₵ 200

₵ 500

7.      Student

₵ 50

₵ 50